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Our bodies have the ability to process rejuvenate and healing by themselves. Our 12 primary meridians and each five elements are meant to live in harmony and help us prevent and reverse our symptoms from struggling with illnesses. To adept in these goals and motivation miraculously, we provide services with authentic TCM modalities such as Advance Acupuncture, Rejuvenate Fire Cupping, Relaxation Foot Bath and Massage, Scalp Acupressure, Herbal Remedies and Herbal Powder. We are expertise in this field, we are professional in dealing with relieving acute pain and chronic pain, resolve anxiety, improvement in mobility access, helping irregular menstruation problem, allergies problem and chronic disease problem.
Traditional Chinese Medicine contributions to the field include expanding treatment protocols for Acute & Chronic Pain, Sport Injuries, Headaches & Migraines, Stress and PTSD, Neurological Conditions, Pre/Post Operation Care, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Men and Women's Health Issues. TCM has high reputation in dealing with Irregular Menstruation/PMS, Menopause, Hormone Imbalances, Infertility, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ( ME) , Insomnia and Mental Health Issues. TCM is able to lighten and reverse syndromes from Hypertension, Diabetes, Sinus & Ear Infections, ADHD & Autism. Last but not least TCM has miraculous efficacy results on Weight Loss, Improve Digestive System, Resolved Allergies & Asthma problems, Anti-Aging and Rehabilitation for after Brain injury or after Stroke, etc.
余根铨是山东中医药大学中医本科毕业和天津中医药大学硕士针灸推拿毕业,经过8年正统中医体系所培养出的中医生. 其父亲是马来西亚吉隆坡著名的中医生,其父亲由祖辈传承于他父亲, 故自幼常常看见父亲以精湛医术治愈许多奇难杂病患者,渐的被吸引及爱上了中医,立志要成为一名好医生,毕业后也深得父亲传承医术并以纯中医治疗手法为当地患者治疗疾病十余年.
目前他们在哈法开设二陈中医康复院为哈法居民服务,他们善于治疗疾病其中包括如月经周期混乱,不孕不育症; 儿科的如阅读障碍,脾胃虚弱,饮食不良,发烧感冒咳嗽久治不愈等; 脑疾病的如中风后遗症,老年痴呆症,儿童多动症,自闭症,儿童癫痫,脑积水后遗症等; 情绪障碍的如失眠,忧郁症等; 以及皮肤过敏疮疡等疾病.
二陈中医康复院位于哈法Halifax, 一间位于Stillwater Lake,另一间位于Lerry Uteck和Kenny Lake之间.
我们提供 二陈中医针灸拔罐推拿, 同时我们也为哈法的中华同胞提供 中药材养生汤包坐月调理汤包, 解决当地华人购买中药不便的服务.
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Two Tan Wellness Inc
35 Bloom Lane unit-104, Bedford, Nova Scotia, Canada. B4B 2E6 Tel: 1 (902) 832 8349